What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. The danger of human genetic engineering that I warn about in IMMORTAL FEAR: A Medical Thriller is shockingly possib… Doctor Medical Thriller Author H.S. Clark update on scary new genetic engineering and IMMORTAL FEAR, A Medical Thriller. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/genetic-genie-out-bottle/
Ο HOME O IMMORTAL FEAR Ο SECRET THOUGHTS Ο BLOG ARCHIVE Ο AUTHOR O ESPAÑOL O ART AND MEDICINE FORUM OTHER VIDEO INTERVIEWS: ☆☆☆☆☆JAMES OSWALD ☆☆… H.S. CLARK PRESENTS Mystery and Thriller author Laurie Stevens at Bouchercon in Long Beach, CA. H.S. Clark - author of IMMORTAL FEAR a Medical Thriller, and the Dr. Powers Mystery Series. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-laurie-stevens-hs-clark/
Author Spotlight: Tracy Weber with H.S. Clark at Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA I am a Pacific Northwest mystery author, too, so I was delighted to have the opportunity to inte… H.S. Clark Presents Author Spotlight, exclusive interview with Tracy Weber, Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA, with H.S. Clark, author of SECRET THOUGHTS a Medical Thriller https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-tracy-weber-hs-clark/
My guest blog "Epidural Anesthesia-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is now posted on Redwood's Medical Edge Deb's OR Flash Mob - Prior to double … Doctor commentary on how social media has become a powerful tool for medical healing and cancer management, with videos. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/social-media-healing-redux/
My guest blog "Epidural Anesthesia-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is now posted on Redwood's Medical Edge Author Spotlight Video Music: "Rescue Me" by DoKashi… H.S. Clark Presents Author Spotlight, exclusive interview with Carla Norton, Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA, with H.S. Clark, author of SECRET THOUGHTS a Medical Thriller https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-carla-norton-hs-clark/
SOCIAL MEDIA HEALING As I’m about to blog on Social Media Healing, it’s ironic that my recent medical thriller, SECRET THOUGHTS, deals with abuses of digital medicine. But… How social media has become a powerful tool for medical healing. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/social-media-healing/
My blog contains random thoughts on books, authors, writing, inspiration, promotion, social media, computers, and medical technology. - H.S. CLARK Special offers from Grand Medic… The mystery of 8,000 overnight views on the video book trailer for Secret Thoughts a medical thriller. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/mystery-friday-night-viral-video/
Blogspot: H.S. Clark My blog contains random thoughts on books, authors, writing, inspiration, promotion, social media, computers, and medical technology. - H.S. CLARK A Kindle ver… Author H.S Clark's original experience using social media, especially twitter, to promote his new novel, Secret Thoughts: a medical thriller. Secret Thoughts, a new medical thriller by H.S. Clark. Author's website entry page and youtube book trailer. … https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/confessions-twitter-virgin/
Every now and then, Hollywood gets it just right and slips a cosmic philosophy into an otherwise light production. Such is the case in Back to the Future III when Doc Brown suggest… "Creative thinking", "Back to the Future", writing, Hollywood, movies, philosophy, 1885, "Marty McFly", "Doc Brown", novel, "space-time continuum", "time-space continuum", "time travel", future, "fourth dimension", mystery, thriller, medical, medicalthr… https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/fourth-dimensional-thinking/