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Next blog coming soon! Book review, video, and commentary on "Sliding on the Snow Stone" by Andy Szpuk.

Mystery of the Friday Night Viral Video

Mar 19, 2013

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle basically says that the more knowledge we accumulate, the less we’ll understand. I’m finding out that the intricate world of SEO and web analytics is not exempt from the basic laws of physics. I released a video trailer along with my new Medical Thriller, Secret Thoughts, on February 20th. When I went to bed last Friday night, the video had over 2,000 views, which I considered excellent. In the morning, when I woke up, the counter ran over 10,000. In spite of search engine and Youtube analytics, close tracking of traffic on my own website, and following over 5,000 souls on Twitter. I still don’t have a clue what happened.


Does the Friday night crowd scour the net for videos? Is that a part of contemporary cyber culture routine? Did my video get a celebrity promotion of which I’m not aware? Or perhaps my video was just the right fix for Friday night boredom and insomnia? Only 20% of the views were from mobile devices, so maybe it was stay-at-home video night, saving brain cells for the St. Patrick’s Day weekend festivities? Maybe it was international thriller appreciation night, because the Philippines, India, and Japan were top viewers. Two thirds of my Friday night viewers were men, so maybe it’s a guy thing? And what were the women doing on Friday night? Yet another mystery!


If only I could figure out what went right, maybe I could do it again? Someone out there knows something, so give it up! I’m going to dump all that tracking data into my ex-files and chalk it all up to an alien abduction. But somewhere, the truth is out there…

Category: SEO

My guest blog "Epidural Anesthesia-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" will appear on April 17th on Redwood's Medical Edge 

My blog contains random thoughts on books, authors, writing, inspiration, promotion, social media, computers, and medical technology. - H.S. CLARK

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Secret Thoughts is availale for immediate download on Kindle, and in paperback from Amazon. 

Grand_Media_12-12cj.jpg  Special offers from Grand Medica Direct: Free shipping, no tax, signed by author option, and library, school, and bookstore purchase information. 

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