Author Spotlight: Tracy Weber with H.S. Clark at Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA I am a Pacific Northwest mystery author, too, so I was delighted to have the opportunity to inte… H.S. Clark Presents Author Spotlight, exclusive interview with Tracy Weber, Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA, with H.S. Clark, author of SECRET THOUGHTS a Medical Thriller https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-tracy-weber-hs-clark/
My guest blog "Epidural Anesthesia-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is now posted on Redwood's Medical Edge Author Spotlight Video Music: "Rescue Me" by DoKashi… H.S. Clark Presents Author Spotlight, exclusive interview with Carla Norton, Left Coast Crime, Monterey, CA, with H.S. Clark, author of SECRET THOUGHTS a Medical Thriller https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-carla-norton-hs-clark/
My guest blog "Epidural Anesthesia-The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" is now posted on Redwood's Medical Edge AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: L.J. SELLERS with H.S. Clark … Author Spotlight exclusive interview of bestselling mystery thriller author L.J Sellers by H.S. Clark at the Left Coast Crime mystery conference Monterey California. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/author-spotlight-ljsellers/
September 18, 2013 Magic Markets History was made last weekend, but did you notice? “Instructions Not Included,” a Spanish langua… Game changing Latino market in the USA for entertainment and literature. https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/magic-markets/
Blogspot: H.S. Clark My blog contains random thoughts on books, authors, writing, inspiration, promotion, social media, computers, and medical technology. - H.S. CLARK A Kindle ver… Author H.S Clark's original experience using social media, especially twitter, to promote his new novel, Secret Thoughts: a medical thriller. Secret Thoughts, a new medical thriller by H.S. Clark. Author's website entry page and youtube book trailer. … https://www.hsclarkmystery.com/blog/confessions-twitter-virgin/